Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Why can't we truely develop a new fuel source?

- Since i could not find a name, I've called this cartoon "natural resource monopoly?".  The guy in the cartoon represents the big oil companies.  He says that he owns every resource that is usable.  Then when they ask him about solar power, he claims it can't work because it's not feasible.  He's basically saying that since the sun can not be controlled by someone to make money it can't be used as a resource.  This really makes you wonder why we can't develop new resources especially if we can turn million year old fish into a working fuel source.

- In my opinion the author is showing how oil companies are controlling the type of resources that are used just because it does not seem profitable to them.  Again, that just brings the whole problem back to greed and money.  Global warming, natural resources, and new sources are very important issues that people talk about alot.  The message of the cartoon is that the big oil companies are putting a choke hold around the development of new fuel resources.  Oil companies know they will lose profits dramatically so they use their money and power to put a stranglehold on new developments.

- The cartoon was found at and is posted on

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