Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Stock Market Crisis Cartoon

-Since we are doing the stock market game in class and, i found it appropriate to pick a cartoon about how confusiong it can be when trying to buy and sell stock.  Since stocks are updated and dealt with every single day, stocks are a daily topic of disscusion and is a current event all the time.  In my opinion it is hard to figure out which political ideology is being conveyed through the cartoon because everyone trades stocks.  Everyone basically looks the same and Im sure the focus is not about ideology.

-The title of the cartoon is "Stock Market Cartoon".  The name is self explanitory once you read it.  Basically the cartoon shows how people in the stock market hear one little word and are then crazy about buying or selling certain stocks.  Since most people are basically guessing with stocks they pick, this is a good representation of how people are when buying and selling.

-The only people in the picture are buisness men and stock brokers.  One person says one statement and all  the others go crazy assuming they said something relating to buying or selling a stock.  Seeing as how most people who dont manage stocks at all assume that the stock market is just a place where stock brokers run around looking at screens of stocks and going crazy  so this seems appropriate for the situation.  I think that the artist wants to explain to us how confusing and chaotic dealing with stocks can be.  If we are not one hundred precent sure about a stock we tend to go crazy about it.  The authour is also portraying our human nature to rationalize and hear what we want to hear when dealing with the unknown or difficult decsions.

The above cartoon was found on and was posted on

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