Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Why can't we truely develop a new fuel source?

- Since i could not find a name, I've called this cartoon "natural resource monopoly?".  The guy in the cartoon represents the big oil companies.  He says that he owns every resource that is usable.  Then when they ask him about solar power, he claims it can't work because it's not feasible.  He's basically saying that since the sun can not be controlled by someone to make money it can't be used as a resource.  This really makes you wonder why we can't develop new resources especially if we can turn million year old fish into a working fuel source.

- In my opinion the author is showing how oil companies are controlling the type of resources that are used just because it does not seem profitable to them.  Again, that just brings the whole problem back to greed and money.  Global warming, natural resources, and new sources are very important issues that people talk about alot.  The message of the cartoon is that the big oil companies are putting a choke hold around the development of new fuel resources.  Oil companies know they will lose profits dramatically so they use their money and power to put a stranglehold on new developments.

- The cartoon was found at and is posted on

Can Unemployment Rates Get Worse?

The title of the post is called "Can Unemployment Rates Get Worse?".  Well if you read the cartoon, they give you their answer.  The unemployment rate may be a little lower then it was this time last year but there are still tons of problems.  The two guys in the cartoon talk about how even the people who collect unemployment data are laid off and unemployed them selfs.  The cartoon has a simple message; unemployment is bad.  Unemployment is in the news everyday and is talked about constantly.  It brings up other topics like lay offs and even workers comp.

- You also notice that the two guys having the conversation are also out of work.  They are holding up signs that say "Need Work" and "Will do anything".  There is obviously a problem with jobs when guys will stand on the corner holding up signs saying will do anything.  Unemployment can effect everyone ranging from democrats to republicans, so its hard to figure out the political ideology of the author.  Again, the message of the cartoon is that we need jobs and lots of them to get things on track.

The cartoon was found on
and posted on

Trouble with Debt

- The name of the cartoon is "Sinking Debt".  With the national debt rapidly growing, I saw this as a perfect choice for my next blog.  The debt is always a problem and is talked about every hour of every day.  The cartoon is simply showing how the debt is going to be a problem for a long, long time.  Uncle Sam is barley holding up the baby(which represents the youngest generation alive) above water.  The little baby says "Up to my eyeballs already", meaning that although he's young he already has to deal with the problems the debt causes.  Today we can see funding cut from schools because of the horrible debt which proves kids are dramatically affected.

- The underlying irony of the cartoon is that the debt is SUPPOSE to get better with time.  It's obvious from the picture that the author feels differently.  I feel that the author is just showing us how much of a problem he thinks the debt is.  I know that we have talked about this in class more then once so i seemed appropriate.

- This cartoon was found on,+OBAMACARTOON.jpg
The author of the cartoon was Jeff Parker.

Libya vs. Iraq

-The title of the cartoon is Obama-Libya-Campaign statements.  We see Obama saying how it is unconstitutional to send troops into other countries without declaring war.  Then we see during the Libya situation he sends missiles to create a "No Fly Zone".  America's involvement in the Libyan situation is proving to be unnecessary.

-The author is showing how the president can just change his mind about war topics even if the constitutions says other wise.  The ironic part of the cartoon is that just four years ago what he is doing now would be unconstitutional by his definitions. Recently we have been talking about the Libyan war so I thought it would be appropriate to talk about his war tactics.

- This cartoon was found on and posted on  The author is Gary Varvel.

National Debt and Employnemt Rates

- The name of the cartoon is called "Stretched Thin".  The name is pretty obvious once you look at the picture.  If we look at the cartoon, we can see that Uncle Sam (which obviously represents government and America) is stretched out between the increasing debt and the decreasing employment rate.

-  I found this cartoon pretty appropriate because we had been talking about economic issues and how important jobs are.  In my opinion, the cartoon is basically saying that the country cannot take anymore unemployment and more debt.  Its litterally stretching Uncle Sam to death.  The artist is trying to show us how those two topics correlate and are key for our economic recovery.

-The above cartoon was found on and posted on  The artist is William Warren.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bribery for a Bill......

- This time the cartoon is sort of how some bills get passed into laws.  The title is "How a Bill Becomes Law".  The comic is simple.  The man tries to bribe the other guy to get his law passed or atleast dealt with first.  It basically just reinforces the fact that money is the basic root of politics.  If you have a lot of money then you will probably have a better chance of succeding.  I feel that that is one of the messages the author is trying to portray with the cartoon.

- The only object in the cartoon is the money.  It clearly represents how easy getting a bill you like passed with a little use of money.  Obviously there is no political ideology being favored in this cartoon since both sides bribe all the time.  Since we are passing bills in class, I figured it would be a good time to post a cartoon like this.  The comedic part about this cartoon is that the government is "SUPPOSE" to be fair and just when we all know that it runs strictly on money.  If thats not ironic I dont know what is.

The above cartoon was found on and posted at

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Stock Market Crisis Cartoon

-Since we are doing the stock market game in class and, i found it appropriate to pick a cartoon about how confusiong it can be when trying to buy and sell stock.  Since stocks are updated and dealt with every single day, stocks are a daily topic of disscusion and is a current event all the time.  In my opinion it is hard to figure out which political ideology is being conveyed through the cartoon because everyone trades stocks.  Everyone basically looks the same and Im sure the focus is not about ideology.

-The title of the cartoon is "Stock Market Cartoon".  The name is self explanitory once you read it.  Basically the cartoon shows how people in the stock market hear one little word and are then crazy about buying or selling certain stocks.  Since most people are basically guessing with stocks they pick, this is a good representation of how people are when buying and selling.

-The only people in the picture are buisness men and stock brokers.  One person says one statement and all  the others go crazy assuming they said something relating to buying or selling a stock.  Seeing as how most people who dont manage stocks at all assume that the stock market is just a place where stock brokers run around looking at screens of stocks and going crazy  so this seems appropriate for the situation.  I think that the artist wants to explain to us how confusing and chaotic dealing with stocks can be.  If we are not one hundred precent sure about a stock we tend to go crazy about it.  The authour is also portraying our human nature to rationalize and hear what we want to hear when dealing with the unknown or difficult decsions.

The above cartoon was found on and was posted on